Well, what a year that was.
Since my last post here almost a year ago (which was published in Cambodia), I’ve spent more time in the United States than I could have imagined. After six weeks in Southeast Asia, it didn’t feel like time to return to China in March of 2020. So I returned to the US, only three months after having left.
And since then, like many, I’ve had a much more domestic life than I’m used to. Far fewer games, but many more books. More days swimming, but far fewer days cycling. I’m no longer in the Chinese mega-city of Chengdu. It feels like a step forward and a step back at the same time. But I’m healthy, my family is healthy, and I’ve become closer to them this year than I could have imagined. One thing is for sure: 2020 could have been a lot worse.
I have photos, drone footage, and thoughts to share, but I guess I just needed some time away.
Hello, 2021. I have higher hopes for you.
The post Good Riddance, 2020 appeared first on Just Charlie.